Wednesday, April 26, 2017


ROST  Last week we finished our read aloud, Wonder.  When strong readers finish a book-- especially a really powerful one-- we don't just move on.  We want to reflect on the text, consider its theme and the author's intent behind writing the novel.  To let the story linger in our hearts a bit, thoughtful readers...
  • ...consider a relationship that stood out the most.
  • ...think about critical scenes that really tugged at our hearts.
  • ...consider how the text might change us.
To facilitate this, parallel to the characters in the text, students wrote their own precepts, rules/phrases to live by.  Check them out!

In all reading classes we continue to practice and prepare for PARCC. A reminder will come home tomorrow outlining testing days and times for fifth grade.

  • Read 30 minutes
  • Math homework
Reminders: We are collecting the following items in homerooms:
  • Baby pictures: At your earliest convenience, please email your homeroom teacher a digital copy baby picture. If you are unable to send a picture digitally, we are also collecting hard copies.  
  • White shirts (for tie-dye): Due May 5
  • DC permission slips: Due May 5
  • DC money: Due May 5
  • Middle school band slips
Upcoming Dates:
  • Early Dismissal: Friday, April 28
  • PARCC Math: May 2-5
  • PARCC ELA: May 10-12
  • DC Trip: May 25

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

PARCC Practice & Prep

For the next few weeks leading up to PARCC testing, all classes will be learning test taking strategies to help them read and answer evidence-based multiple choice and written response questions.  While this can be pretty grueling, we want to make sure students feel comfortable and confident when they take the ELA PARCC test (May 10-12).

  • Read 30 minutes
  • Math homework
Reminders: We are collecting the following items in homerooms:
  • Baby pictures: At your earliest convenience, please email your homeroom teacher a digital copy baby picture. If you are unable to send a picture digitally, we are also collecting hard copies.  
  • White shirts (for tie-dye): Due May 5
  • DC permission slips
  • DC money
  • Middle school band slips
Upcoming Dates:
  • Board Game Day: Friday, April 21
    • Riverside students filled the tube again.  To celebrate students voted to bring in a board game to play
  • PARCC Math: May 2-5
  • PARCC ELA: May 10-12
  • DC Trip: May 25

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Quarter 4 is busy for 5th graders!

Welcome to Quarter 4! As your child winds down their elementary school career, we have many fun events planned for them. Please remind your child to continue to complete homework and to come to class ready to learn so that they don't miss any of these fun activities. As always, please contact us if you have further questions.
(This was also sent home today attached to the Washington DC field trip permission slip.)

Upcoming 5th Grade Events

1. Tie-dyed t-shirt project
We will be tie dyeing t-shirts for students to wear on our trip to Washington, DC. Students should bring a cotton t-shirt that fits them to school by May 5 to participate in this fun project.
If you will be buying a pack of t-shirts, please consider donating the leftover shirts for students who do not have one.

2. 5th Grade PARCC testing
We will be taking the Math PARCC the mornings of May 2, 3, 4 and 5. We will be taking the Language Arts PARCC the mornings of May 10, 11 and 12. Please try to avoid scheduling appointments the mornings of these days.

3. Spring Concert
If your child plays and instrument or is in Chorus, the Spring Concert performance will be held on Tuesday, May 9. 

4. Magnolia Middle School meeting
MMS will hold parent meetings and tours on Tuesday, May 16. A flier was distributed about this in March. Please contact MMS with any questions about this event.

5. Field Day
Weather permitting, Field Day will be held Friday, May 19.

6. Washington, DC field trip
This extended day trip will take place on Thursday, May 25. Students will arrive back at Riverside Elementary at 6:00pm and will need to be picked up by a responsible adult. No students will be permitted to walk home. For more details see the permission slip that was sent home Tuesday.

7. Baby/Toddler Picture
At our End of the Year Ceremony, we would like to project a baby or toddler picture of your child on the screen as he/she receives their certificate. Digital pictures are preferred, but we can take printed ones as well. Please email your child’s picture to Mrs. Mezan at as soon as possible.

8. End of the Year Ceremony
Our end of the year celebration will take place the morning of Friday, June 9.

:) Mrs. Mezan