Monday, August 29, 2016

Nightly Reading

In O'Neill's and Rost's classes, we read a section of the postmodern picture book, Black and White, by David Macualay. In Mezan's, we read Voices in the Park, by Anthony Browne.

Both books are divided into four sub-stories; we will read a story each day.  Through these books, students learn how to engage in meaningful dialogue, using phrases like "I agree/disagree with ____ because..." This week lays the foundation for how we will communicate and think about texts throughout the year. Both Black and White and Voices are illustrated and authored by one person; thus, every detail in illustrations are very intentional and beg readers to go deeper in their thinking. Students will especially question perspective and point of view.

  • O'Neill/ Rost:  Ask your child what they predict will happen in "Problem Parents". Are there any connections to "Seeing Things" (the sub-story we read today)?
  • Mezan:  Ask your child what they infer about what the mother is feeling in this illustration.  Ask them how they know (A: Mother is mad.  We know this because the fire tree symbolizes her anger.)
  • Math homework: Multiplication grid
  • Read 30 minutes:  All classes need to read 30 minutes every weeknight.  Because current research argues that reading logs, questionnaires, etc. are ineffective, we will not be using any such "tool".  By signing your child's planner, you are communicating to me (O'Neill) that your child has read their 30 minutes of reading.  Additionally, in an ideal world planners are reviewed and signed everyday; however, life happens and schedules are, at times, hectic.  For these reasons, I only check planners for signatures on Fridays.
  • Bring back paperwork.  Thank you to families who have already returned all their paperwork!
Classroom Supplies:

Thank you,

5th Grade Team

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