Friday, October 14, 2016

Room 24 Update - Astronomy and Weather Continue, Start of the G.R.E.A.T. Program

Sorry for the delay in posting. With days off and changes in schedules, I've been trying to stay on top of maximizing instruction and the blog posts slipped my mind a bit. However, I did want to be sure that I passed along that we are continuing our astronomy and weather unit. We have wrapped the astronomy portion and are now heavily into weather. We have tracked the hurricanes, in addition to the curricular studies of the water cycle, types of precipitation and clouds, and common weather conditions in our region. We continue to make sky observations periodically during class and I ask that students continue looking at night.

This Sunday, October 16th, a resupply rocket for the ISS is scheduled to launch from Wallops Island, Virginia at 8:06 PM. We will have an opportunity to view the launch, if we look to the southeast at this time. The rocket should become visible to our area about one and a half to two minutes around 5 to 10 degrees about the horizon. Viewing time will be limited, as the launch is aimed generally away from us this time, but we should still get a good look at the launch, if everything goes well weather wise. If the launch is scrubbed, I will post an updated time for launch.

We also started the G.R.E.A.T. program today, which is a collaboration between the school system and the Harford County Sheriff's Office. The idea is to promote good choices for behaviors and community relations. I have attached a picture of the flyer you should see coming home today. We have three different deputies who will be working with the three classes as they rotate through the rooms. We hope this is a strong experience for the students and look forward to the learning over the coming weeks with the deputies.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out and ask.

Have a great weekend!!!

-Mr. Rost

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