Tuesday, September 20, 2016

We are nearing the end of Topic 1 in our Math book. We have learned all about whole number place value to the millions and decimal place value to the thousandths! We have rounded and compared decimals. Finally, we will focus on looking for patterns and structure to solve problems.

As will probably be the case for the rest of the school year, each class is at a different place in Unit 1.

Mr. Rost's class will take the Topic 1 assessment tomorrow (Wednesday). They have a Study Guide to guide their review of concepts now.

Mrs. O'Neill's class will take the Topic 1 assessment on Friday. Look for their Study Guide to come home Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Mezan's class will take the Topic 1 assessment next Tuesday. Look for their Study Guide to come home next Monday.

Please take some time to go over the Study Guide with your child to review the concepts taught during this unit.

Thank you!
Mrs. Mezan

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