Thursday, January 26, 2017

Welcome to Quarter 3!

Welcome to Quarter 3! 
Report cards will be issued on Friday, February 3rd. We continue to encourage parents and guardians to create an Edline account for your 5th grader. Grades and missing assignments are posted about every 2 weeks throughout the quarter and can be viewed on any device with an internet connection. Monitoring your child's progress throughout the quarter can be another way to stay informed about what we are doing in 5th grade. For directions on setting up the account and an access code, please contact our school office. (410 - 612- 1560)

Math Class: 
In math class we have begun Topic 6: Use Models and Strategies to Divide Decimals.  In this topic we are learning to divide decimals to the hundredths place by decimals and whole numbers. We will also practice estimating when dividing decimals. Dividing money is an easy way to practice these concepts. Use real life problems that you encounter while shopping or banking, or model after this sample problem to practice:

  • Three sisters want to share $3.48. How can they divide the amount equally?
Encourage students to use their number sense to estimate and predict answers without doing the computation. Also students are being reminded to reason abstractly and quantitatively when answering a problem.  This means simply that they should also be able to tell you whether their answer makes sense, as well as what their answer means in relation to the question. 

Finally, please check with your child about the condition of their school supplies. Many students are in great need of pencils to use in math class. If you would like to donate any pencils, they would be certainly appreciated and used! 

:) Mrs. Mezan

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